The first sales club specifically dedicated to providing free training and ground-breaking tools to the commercial roofing industry.


Brought to You LIVE every Tuesday at 2:00 PM CST by Chad Westbrook, commercial roofing industry expert and founder of Service Alignment.

Chad Westbrook has been a leader in the sales industry for over 15 years and has closed over $500M in deals.

Our Partners

Tuesdays at 2:00 pm CST

Tuesdays at 2:00 pm CST •

What Makes No Reps Left Behind Different

Sales reps worldwide are facing the same conflict: they don’t have the training they need to succeed. Whether you are a new rep in the field or were recently promoted to sales manager, you likely lack the training, support, and mentorship you desperately need. Enter NRLB.

  • Always Live

    These are not “rewatch the episode and good luck” type events. These are LIVE trainings with real sales reps facing real sales problems. We want to you to feel heard and supported in your sales journey, thus our weekly sessions are always live and cover real issues.

  • Solve Real Problems

    Each training has a topic, but we’re here to solve your problems. Sessions have an open floor segment focused on discussing the sales struggles you are facing. We always strive to provide you a solution, or at the very least, a different perspective.

  • No Filter

    We know real-world sales is very different from perfect-world sales training. We want to discuss the industry as it really is, therefore we encourage you to leave your filter at the door. We welcome all emotions and understand they play a huge part in any sales strategy conducted with integrity.

Get A Taste of NRLB with Our Kickoff Recap!

Who Needs No Reps Left Behind?

Sales Reps

Real World Problems

Sales representatives typically have limited resources to build or scale their book of business. In the post-COVID-19 working world, that is even harder.

NRLB focuses on how to run a book of business and ensure low close probability jobs aren’t put in the pipeline. Additionally, we focus on how to efficiently convert a prospect into a qualified lead.

Sales Leaders

Real Word Problems

No sales rep is alike. One struggles with lead cultivation, the other thrives on the streets. One has strong customer relations skills, the other wants to close the deal and move on. Bridging the gap between your highest-performing and lowest-performing salesmen can be one of the hardest jobs sales leaders face.

NRLB focuses on exploring different sales personalities to effectively manage your team. Additionally, we focus on the key fundamentals needed to consistently direct discovery meetings, ensuring every sales rep aligns their client’s problem to a solution

Business Owners

Real Word Problems

When you first opened your business, it was yours – you found the leads, you sold the jobs, you oversaw production. Now, in order to scale your business, you have to clone yourself. Your sales team desperately needs your guidance, but your time and resources are limited.

NRLB focuses on multiplying your best sales rep through a consistent process, ensuring your team is asking the questions that matter and are consistently delivering, everytime.


Sales reps no longer have to contemplate quitting their jobs, and owners no longer have to cut corners hoping their sales team figures it out.

Tuesdays at 2:00 pm CST

Tuesdays at 2:00 pm CST •


Chad Westbrook, Commercial Roofing Expert

Chad Westbrook is a B2B sales and service expert who has dedicated the last 15 years to building sustainable, scalable sales and service teams. His newest venture, Service Alignment, aims to alleviate the contracting industry’s stress of scaling their business through three services: MakeLeadsWork, MakeSalesWork, and MakeServiceWork.

Before founding Sales Alignment, Westbrook consistently strived for his companies to challenge the status quo and never accept what everyone is doing as “good enough”. His teams typically started with mid-level individuals, and within a short period, they were transformed into world-class teams producing results most companies only dream of. This training mindset has contributed to millions of dollars in commercial sales and revenue year-over-year.

Westbrook recognizes the struggles sales reps, leaders, and owners consistently face in the fast-paced, highly competitive industry. Reps lack the support they need from their leaders, leaders lack the training they need to help their reps, and owners lack the time those reps and leaders need to ultimately succeed. To solve this process, Westbrook created MakeSalesWork, a 14-week bootcamp giving sales reps the training they need to succeed.

Presented by MakeSalesWork and FourtyFive, No Reps Left Behind brings Westbrook’s fresh perspective and training expertise to you live every Tuesday. NRLB’s aim is to offer support, training, and problem-solving situations for sales reps facing real sales problems.


Chad Westbrook, Commercial Roofing Expert

  • “There is not much Chad has said that has not resulted in more sales.”

    — Tucker

  • “The man knows how to position a solution where both sides get what they want.”

    — Cody

  • “Chad’s process kick-started my career, and I still use it ten years later.”

    — Jason

Stop acting like a commodity, and start performing like an advisor focused on helping your client reach their highest goal by solving the pain they can’t clearly define.